LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009

We present to your our gallery of Sponsors and Donors of the Los Angeles Poet Society! These are our Angels! Thank you so much and WRITE ON!
The Los Angeles Poet Society is a Non-Profit Literary Community Organization serving Los Angeles county, CA and beyond.
All gifts are tax deductible. EIN: 93- 1834479
LAPS is also a part of the global movement, 100 Thousand Poets for Change! All donations are tax deductible. Please be sure to note that your donation is for the Los Angeles Poet Society.
100 Thousand Poets for Change is a world movement to bring peace, sustainability, to all the lands! We believe in our expression as an agent for change! We pay it all forward to our artists and LAPS Members - in which membership is free.
WRITE ON! Thank you for your support.

Jack Cohen

Cklara Moradian
Kurdish - American Poet, Writer,
and Activist based in the
Los Angeles area.

Kimberly Cobian
Educator, Poetrypalooza Founder, Belly Dancer, President of ZZyZx WriterZ, and Director of the Board for Nuvein Foundation for the Arts

Teresa Steward
Educator, Middle School, LAUSD
Thank you community for all the love!!

Word Bank/ Baxter Daniels Ink Press
Publisher of Literary Art
and Poetry
Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey Bryant
Poet and Author
Website sponsor

Don Kingfisher Campbell
Poet, Publisher, and Educator with Upward Bound for teens at Occidental University. Host: Saturday Afternoon Poets.
Author and Theologian from the ways of New York and St. Louis, MO.

Dr. Leanor
Los Angeles, CA

Editions du Cygne/ Swan World Press
Publisher of Literary and Academic manuscripts.
Paris, France

Los Angeles, CA


Los Angeles, CA
Susan Hayden &
Steve Hochman
Santa Monica, CA

Andrea Lee
Chef, Poet, Organizer
Writing Journey 101