Lit Crawl LA 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020, the Los Angeles Poet Society participated in the annual Lit Crawl LA celebration. Now in its 6th year, the Lit Crawl took to the virtual streets, pairing up with Lit Quake and creating for the first time, Lit Crawl Global - a celebration of literature on a global scale. This allowed LA to partner up with England, New Zealand, Ireland, and France, along with Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts. The LA Poet Society brought the spoken word and the BEAT representing Los Angeles, CA, USA in the global Lit Crawl.
It was an exciting event, sponsored and supported by the Los Angeles Public Library, who streamed all the events LIVE from their Facebook and YouTube pages. Lit Quake, out of San Francisco, streamed all of the LIVE global events, making literature and creativity accessible and viewable.
The LAPS featured Poets: Jeffery Martin, Iris De Anda, Erika Ayon, Jeffery James, Jessica M. Wilson, and Juan Cardenas for the presentation of The Beat of Los Angeles: Celebrating the Earth's Many Voices! The presentations are a fusion of spoken word poetry and the beat -- drumming and music.
View each video on your LAPS YouTube: Click here to view our Lit Crawl LA 2020 Showcase!

View the entire Lit Crawl LA celebration from Los Angeles Public Library YouTube. Click here.
Enjoy the show, add your comments, and join in the next one!
Were you at the Lit Crawl? Did you watch any of the presentations? Please share your comments and reviews. We are happy to post your comments on our blog.