Linda Albertano has passed away
We want to share the memory of Los Angeles's Beat Poet, Linda Albertano, and honor her. She passed away this morning, 9/13/2022
We give our condolences to her family and friends.
LA has lost a light!

Photo by Keith Martin August 2022
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Sent from Phil Taggert, Poet, Ventura County , CA
Linda Albertano has passed – we will miss her
She seemed eternal, but the well and widely beloved poet and performance artist, dazzling presence at the Dada Festival each year since its inception, Kora player with Prince Diabate, and one third of Nearly Fatal Women, died early this AM, taken from us by a fast growing cancer. For me, she was a remarkable friend, as good a friend as I've ever had -- and for all L.A., a supernal light. (Whether all L.A. realizes it or not.) What a life she had--full of adventure, creations and creativity, and, especially, laughter, a life lived to the fullest. - Suzanne Lummis I was fortunate to record Nearly Fatal Women somewhere around 2000 in Oxnard - Phil Taggart Nearly Fatal Women part 2
Phil Taggart