LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009
Grandma's Voice
by Peacock Secrets
In memory of Peacock Secret's Gma, who passed on March 26, 2021

Grandma Brooklyn always knew our family’s news,
The joys, the heartbreaks, the rhythm and blues.
But Grandma's breath is being stolen away silently
Just another covid19 tragedy
For politicians who promoted herd immunity
All I can do is rant: from the Pacific to the Atlantic
Chanting a tearful soliloquy.
"Please don't let her leave me"
Even if it forever froze my soul,
I could never lose you.
I got a hot cocoa heart,
but it would go cold without you.
Hot heart’s spinning
with a Grandma Crystal inside,
Humming out a tune only you and I know and recognize.
Hold on, fight, stay,
You better plan on dancing on your 100th birthday
… until a million more memories parade
Across a million more nights and days.
I want all those billion trillion gazillions
Ok ok fine, I know.
Someway, someday, somehow
EVENTUALLY, we’d HAVE TO accept for you to go to heaven I guess
It might even be today if I'm being honest
Yeah, that’s when I'mma make you proudest!
In Shaa Allah, I will enlist a list of people to lovingly uplift,
celebrate, support, and honor my body’s beating gift.
Just like you, they will cherish me,
and read profoundly proud poetry
dedicated to one wild woman of a Brooklyn Granny,
The Queen and Empress of everything
from Crown Heights to Atlantic City.