LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009
Los Angeles Poet Society Press is the publishing arm of the LA Poet Society, founded in 2020, and officially launched in 2021, LA Poet Society Press publishes voices that are honest, insightful, and socially conscious.
a QTBIPOC Brown Womxn led publishing house

Los Angeles Poet Society Press - the publishing arm of the LA Poet Society, a non-profit, literary community organization. We are the bridge between the creative communities of LA County and beyond.
The LAPS Press, has published:
Love Letters to 2020 - Volume 1 (a chapbook, sponsored by Poets & Writers)
Love Letters to 2020 - Volume 2 (a chapbook)
Los Angeles Poets for Justice: A Document for the People (an anthology)
Acid Verse Literary Journal, Vol. 1 - Queer Uprising (an online zine and literary journal periodical)
SELA Poetry Zine, Vol.1(Fall 22/23)
Acid Verse Literary Journal, Vol. 2 - The Earth Beneath Our Feet (literary journal periodical)
Reflesh: Dreaming the Future, (an anthology of decolonized mind)
What I See Around Me (zine of youth poetry)
Anatomy of a Flame by Mauricio 'Soul on Fire' Moreno (single author poetry book)
Acid Verse Literary Journal, Vol. 3: The Mixtaped (NOW AVAILABLE! December 2023)
Acid Verse Literary Journal, Vol. 3: The Mixtape soundtrack on SoundCloud
Check out LAPS publications, support, place an ad, or make a donation, visit:
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Submission queries:
Acid Verse Literary Journal Vol. III: The Mixtape
Click on the cover below to read the online version!
