LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009
Jeffery Martin

I face the new year
eyes open pencil sharpened
and unpromising baggage discarded
I won't stop fighting
but will change strategies
if it looks as though
yesterday is repeating itself
I will speak to the heavens
walk amongst the trees
and flowers more
give salutations to the
ancestors more
be a replica of perfection
rub my dark brown skin
and be unapologetic
for where this skin
is taking me
this new year
the first without my
will supplant all voids
with a soul music
on the frequency of the
I shall not fear
I shall not belabor
I shall not lie down
but rather
walk in the aura of promise
knowing what I know
and learning what I do not
pouring libations to
the collective hands
guiding me
I will not forget
the blood that nourishes
my garden
and the tears that
sometimes stunt it
I will keep my body
my spirit in tune
and mind sharp
I will not beg or
cower or wait
for justice
either it will be
mine or I shall
join the ancestors
in its pursuit
I shall study
war and peace and love
and hate
to their extremes
and when dumbfounded
I shall talk
to the wind
shake hands with the
sit in company with
the rose
This new year
shall find me
more of
all things relevant
and less of the
things which oppose
my need to smile
Note @ California
What have we become
when we scream about borders
and whisper about children
in little cages
called necessary
We are that horror movie
finding its reality
that makes one cover
eyes and cringe
no longer is it
to look beneath beds
or in closets
for our greatest
it walks amongst us
in plain sight
wearing suits and badges
and skirts
and middle class
Its breath is bad
but it talks too
to notice
the toxicity
polluting every blade
of grass east of here
west of there
north of this
south of that
It made no sense
when it was black
it made no sense
when it was red
it made no sense
when it was
brown skin
it made no sense
when it was a
it made no sense
when it was a christian
a muslim
a buddhist
an atheist
a communist
a revolutionary
it never made any
it was unthinkable
ungodly, despicable
and divisive
it was us at our
we thought
but now we surprise
even the wicked
for what have we
when we turn our
towards the children
how do we sleep
knowing babies sleep
in pint-sized cages
put there by adults
who are doing
their mutha fucking job
What have we become
when we close doors
on small dreamers
because they are viewed
as a threat
to someone, somehow
Do tyrants ever really
see their victims?
Do monsters feel the
fear of their prey?
we can now answer
these questions
because we have become
that horrific
lurking in the shadows
waiting to pounce
not only on the
but also on the seeds
the blades of green
which are supposed to
bring new growth
and vibrancy
but find themselves
hemmed in by what
we’ve become
Aren’t we supposed
to love our children
your children
all children
what have we become
when the young
have been turned
into statistics
into uncomfortable
to our greed
and selfishness
unwanted by purveyors
of half truths
and whole lies
Have all of us
gone mad
or have too many
of us
grown silent
in the face of evil
cowering in its
numbed by its
and hypnotized
by its face
Since when do children
become threats
to national security
and recipients of so
much scorn
what law was passed
separating us
from the empathy
that in the past
was seen as a
bridge to progress
and advancement
who signed the papers
incriminating us all
in this slaying of spirits
at borders created
by men who had no
drawing lines in
that was never peacefully
handed over
to them
What have we become
when we turn
architects of the future
into monsters of our
If we will not fight
for children
what is left to fight
what excuse can
we give
and what excuse
is acceptable
What Have We Become
(for the refugee children)
Jeffery Martin is an amazing Poet and Activist. His selfless actions lend him to helping so many groups throughout Los Angeles. He serves the homeless community of Skid Row by offering Poetry and Art. He works with children that work through learning difficulties, and he is an Ambassador of Humanity!
Jeffrey hosts Open Mic each 2nd and 4th Friday at Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural - open to all creative genres!
Come to know more about Jeffery through our LAPS Member Spotlight,