LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009

Homeless Woman
Sheltered by the garments of a neglected heart
She lies alone hugging a hope that dangles loose as the worn elastic of her panties
Shadows have become her protection
Dark allies and vacant porches her escape
Sounds of nocturnal scavengers sing lullabies in her ears
She clothes herself in a gown of broken dreams tailored by distorted images of prince charming
Her feet are no longer supported within designer leather and high heels
The soles of them reminders in each step of wounds which have yet to heal
Fumbling with fallen straps of her bra searching anything just to feel
Her bosom embraces the stench of her unwashed body
Sickness and poverty now her children suckling what’s left of her serene
Once upon a time daddy’s little princess
Now an undeserving homeless dethroned queen
Eric Ruff (c)2018