LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009

LA Poet Society Code of Conduct
LA Poet Society, Inc. a California non-profit 501(c) Literary Organization
The LA Poet Society Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines that reflects the organization's vision, mission, and values. Its purpose is to establish community expectations and provide guidance for all participants in LA Poet Society activities, whether online, in-person, or hybrid.
Our Code extends to all participants engaged in any LA Poet Society hosted activity. Participants encompass a broad range, including:
Invited speakers
Event staff
Anyone registered on an online platform hosted by LA Poet Society.
LA Poet Society activities span various formats, including synchronous and asynchronous modes, and may occur in-person, online, or in hybrid settings.
Examples encompass a wide array of engagements such as meetings (volunteer, member, or public), electronic lists and forums, events (workshops, trainings, conferences, socials), as well as LA Poet Society correspondence (including emails, direct messages, phone calls).
Guests must comply with LA Poet Society’s Code of Conduct, before an engagement is booked.
Community Expectations
LA Poet Society is an inclusive literary organization, dedicated to providing collaborative experiences that are free from all forms of harassment and provide a safe space to encourage and nurture creative expression. We lead with love, inclusivity, accessibility, respect, understanding, acceptance, and visibility in our communities, serving our guests and the Literary Arts. As a professional community, we expect conscious actions from our members and participants to foster a safe, supportive, reflective, and positive work environment.
Regarding Creative and Academic Freedom
Content presented at LA Poet Society activities may deal with sensitive subject matter, which could include explicit, subversive, radical, and non-normative material from the widest possible range of artistic expression and historical context. The Code is not intended to constrain scholarly or professional presentation, discourse, or debate. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion includes a commitment to intellectual and academic freedom and the freedom of expression. As Creatives and Professionals, we are committed to exploring the full range of artistic practice in our discourse, services, and collections. We welcome engagement with difficult topics when done with respect and care.
The Code is designed to lend guidance to members and participants. Along with expectations, it provides a structure for addressing alleged unacceptable behavior. By adopting this Code of Conduct, LA Poet Society is not assuming a legal duty to follow or enforce the Code in any particular manner or situation.
Code of Conduct Violations
Any violations of our code of conduct can be directed to losangelespoetsociety@gmail.com We will investigate your report with our Board of Directors, and reach out respectfully to engaging parties involved.
Those who violate our Code of Conduct will not be asked to rejoin in LA Poet Society led activities.
I do hereby acknowledge and choose to comply with LA Poet Society’s Code of Conduct.
Agree to LA Poet Society Code of Conduct
Featured Guests must comply with LA Poet Society’s Code of Conduct, before an engagement is booked.