LA Poet Society is a literary organization dedicated to the community, to make the literary arts inclusive, accessible, and visibile!
Where Poetry Lives
since 2009
Norman Molesko
Poetry 2021
Norman advances Senior Advocacy through the use of poetry.
He's an entertainer, a poet, a psychologist, and an elder.

Imagine me, speaking to you,
and you are hearing what I say.
My words are reaching you,
into the crevices of your brain.
Isn’t it amazing? Isn’t it astounding?
What one can understand, thanks to Mother Nature.
Now imagine, flying in an airplane up so high,
looking out of a clear, plastic window.
There are wonders one can behold,
the loveliness of blue skies and sunlit clouds,
the beauty of the land, mountains and sea.
Isn’t it amazing? Isn’t it astounding?
What one can enjoy, thanks to Mother Nature.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
I realize I am a “Young Oldie”,
which means feeling young at heart.
This mindset helps me to write my poetry.
I discover and re-discover anew,
what is actually inside of me.
I then share with you what seems
fitting and natural for me to do.
I bath in my “inner sunshine”.
It does wonders for me.
I suggest that you recognize
and start resonating with
your “inner sunshine” too.
This means being creative today.
This will be good for you.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
Normie has performed live shows.
These shows have evoked thinking.
These shows have evoked feeling.
These shows have evoked learning.
The audiences were generally amused.
The audiences were thoughtful and happy.
On the stage, Normie considered
himself as a bubble of joy.
This actually started many years earlier.
It was when Normie was a young kid.
He sang for pennies, nickels and dimes.
He made groups of people happy.
Those wonderful yesteryears are gone,
but the memories keep lingering on.
Nowadays, Normie parades as a Senior Poet.
He’s recognized as an Ambassador For Seniors.
Normie keeps on being actively happy.
He, that’s me, is still a bubble of joy.
I’m singing again, GOOD FEELINGS IS MY JOY.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
I try for you. I cry for you.
but you are trying to me.
From my mind, I try to be kind.
That’s the way it is for me.
I am delighted when you realize
that loving you is my reality.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
My mood is in good spirits nowadays,
many years after my heart bouts.
I am in much better physical shape.
My morale is high without any doubt.
Yet I do not idealize my situation.
I realize how quickly things can change.
Most people may not think about it,
but sudden twists in life do exist.
I show allegiance to self-preservation,
as I move off into the world of today, alive.
A few more drinks. A few more eats.
A few more breathes. A few more beats.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
If I want to find negative folks, they are around. If you want to find positive folks, each one you meet will be a find. Be positive will help you to live a better and happier life. Trust me, this is from scientific research.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
My Facebook Friends,
Modern-day technologies comprise
computers, the internet and smart phones.
Scores of Elders do not avail themselves
of these modern-day technologies.
These Elders don’t give a hoot about technology.
They are disinterested, can’t afford it
or incapable of learning these technologies.
These scores of elders survive somehow.
I advise you to read the article on
Broadband Connectivity Issues
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors
I am emotionally alive, not emotionally dead.
I am actively involved, not passively withdrawn.
As I wake up, I open my eyes. It is a fine day.
The day appears swell to me because I feel well.
I am living. I am vital. I have been given extra time.
I am engaged and engrossed in creative endeavors.
I have learned to balance what I do.
I enjoy. I appreciate. I celebrate.
© Norman Molesko, 2021
Ambassador For Seniors